
Combinational Logic Design

Combinational Logic

Functions and Functional Blocks

verilog 中,调用模块会在电路中增加实例,会增加开销。

verilog 中并行运行。

Multiple-bit Rudiementary Functions

A wide line is used to represent a bus (总线). The bus can be split into individual lines.

Enable Function

与门 + 非门

Decoding 译码

the conversion of an n-bit input code to an m-bit output code with \(n \leq m \leq 2^n\) such that each valid code word produces a unique output code


  • 1-to-2-line decoder

  • 2-to-4-line decoder

行列译码器:将输入不断二分,例如 4-to-16 拆成 2-to4 和 2-to-4,再将 2-to-4 拆成 1-to-2 和 1-to-2。

Logic Functions Implementation

实现任意逻辑函数:译码器 + 或门


BCD-to-Segment Decoder


  • Common anode 共阳极:

    • 控制亮:LED 另一级接低电平(0)
    • 控制灭:LED 另一级接高电平(1)
  • Common cathode 共阴极

    • 控制亮:LED 另一级接高电平(1)
    • 控制灭:LED 另一级接低电平(0)

Encoding 编码

the conversion of an m-bit input code to an n-bit output code with \(m \geq n\) such that each valid code word produces a unique output code (index to code)

Decimal-to-BCD Encoder

  • Input: 10 bits (0-9)
  • Output: 4 bits (0000-1001)
  • Function: if input bit \(D_i\) is 1, then output \((A_3, A_2, A_1, A_0)\) is the BCD code for \(i\).

Commonly don't use truth table.


\[\begin{align} A_0 &= D_1 + D_3 + D_5 + D_7 + D_9 \\ A_1 &= D_2 + D_3 + D_6 + D_7 \\ A_2 &= D_4 + D_5 + D_6 + D_7 \\ A_3 &= D_8 + D_9 \end{align}\]

Priority Encoder

Accepts multiple inputs and use the highest priority input.

where \(V\) indicates at least one 1 present.

Use K-map to get equations:

\[\begin{align} F_1 &= D_3 + D_2 \\ A_2 &= D_4 \\ A_1 &= \bar D_4 D_3 + \bar D_4 \bar D_3 D_2 = \bar D_4 F_1 \\ A_0 &= \bar D_4 D_3 + \bar D_4 \bar D_3 \bar D_2 D_1 = \bar D_4 (D_3 + \bar D_2 D_1) \\ V &= D_4 + F_1 + D_1 + D_0 \end{align}\]

Multiplexers 多路选择器

A multiplexer selects information from an input line and directs the information to an output line.

Decoder + Enable.

2-to-1-line Multiplexer

4-to-1-line Multiplexer

Multiplexer Width Expansion

Select "vector bits" instead of "bits".

Other Multiplexers

Use three-state drivers.

Combinational Logic Implementation

Multiplexer Approach 1

n inputs, m outputs

Use m-width \(2^n\)-to-1-line multiplexer

Gray to Binary Code

  • Truth table:

  • Mux:

Multiplexer Approach 2

n + 1 inputs, m outputs

Use m-width \(2^n\)-to-1-line multiplexer.


  • Find the truth table for the function.
  • Based on the values of the first n variables, separate the truth table rows into pairs. 根据前 n 个变量的值,将真值表分成两行一对。
  • For each pair and output, define a rudimentary function of the final variable \((0, 1, X, \bar X)\)
  • Use the first n variables as the select inputs of a multiplexer and the rudimentary functions as the data inputs.

Gray to Binary Code

  • Truth table:

  • Mux:

Design Procedure

Combinational Circuits


Beginning Hierarchical Design

  • Top-Down: 从顶层开始设计,逐步细化
  • Bottom-Up: 从最底层开始设计,逐步合并

Design Procedure

  • Specification 简化
  • Formulation 公式化

    Derive a truth table or initial Boolean equations for each output function.

    Apply hierarchical design to the output functions.

  • Optimization 优化

    Apply multiple-level logic optimization to the output functions.

    Draw logic diagrams.

  • Technology Mapping 技术映射

    Map the logic diagrams into a specific technology.

  • Verification 验证

    Verify the design by simulation.

Design BCD to Excess-3 Code Converter

  • Specification

    • BCD code words for digits 0 through 9 are 0000 through 1001, respectively.
    • Excess-3 code words for digits 0 through 9 consisting of 3 added to the BCD code words.
  • Formulation

    write truth table (A-F 无关项)

    Input BCD: ABCD, Output Excess-3: WXYZ

  • Optimization

    1. Use K-maps:

      \[\begin{align} W &= A + BC + BD \\ X &= \bar BC + \bar BD + B\bar C\bar D \\ Y &= CD + \bar C \bar D \\ Z &= \bar D \end{align}\]

      G = 23

    2. Multiple-level logic optimization

      \(T_1 = C + D\), then

      \[\begin{align} T_1 = C + D , G &&= 2 \\ \bar T_1 , G &&= 1 \\ W &= A + B(T_1) , G &&= 4 \\ X &= \bar B(T_1) + B\bar T_1 , G &&= 6 \\ Y &= CD + \bar T_1 , G &&= 4 \\ Z &= \bar D, G &&= 0 \end{align}\]

      G = 17

    3. Technology mapping

      Convert to NAND gates or NOR gates.

Chip Design Styles

  • Full custom: 为特定应用设计



  • Standard cell: 包含标准模块(类似标准库)



  • Gate array: 门阵列(可编程)



Cell Libraries

  • Cell: pre-designed logic block
  • Cell library: a collection of cells
  • Cell characterization: a detailed specification of the cell for use.

Cell Library

Mapping to NAND gate

Convert any circuits to NAND gates.


  • Gate loading and delay are ignored.
  • 可以用任意多输入的 NAND 门
  1. Convert AND and OR gates to NAND gates

    • \(A + B = \overline{\overline{A + B}} = \overline{\bar A \bar B}\)
    • \(AB = \overline{\overline{AB}}\)
  2. Pushing inverters through circuit fan-out points

Mapping to NOR is similar.


  • Manual Logic Analysis (Simple Circuits)

    • Write a truth table.
    • Derive Boolean equations.
  • Simulation

    1. Write a test program.
    2. Simulate the circuit.

    apply all possible input combinations or important input combinations

Arithmetic Functions

Iterative Combinational Circuits

Use blocked diagram to process each bit.

Half Adder

inputs: \(X, Y\); outputs: \(S, C\) (sum, carry)

\[\begin{align} S &= A \oplus B \\ C &= AB \end{align}\]

Full Adder

inputs: \(X, Y, Z\) (\(Z\): carry); outputs: \(S, C\)

\[\begin{align} S &= X \oplus Y \oplus Z \\ C &= XY + XZ + YZ = XY + (X \oplus Y)Z \end{align}\]


\[\begin{align} G = XY, P = X \oplus Y \\ S = P \oplus Z, C = G + PZ \end{align}\]

4-bit Ripple-Carry Adder

缺点:延迟高(Carry 需要传递)

Carry Lookahead

\(P_i = X_i \oplus Y_i, G_i = X_iY_i\)

\(C_4 = G_3 + P_3G_2 + P_3P_2G_1 + P_3P_2P_1G_0 + P_3P_2P_1P_0C_0\)


Group Carry Lookahead Logic

16-bit adder: 4 groups

\[\begin{align} G_{0\sim 3} &= G_3 + P_3G_2 + P_3P_2G_1 + P_3P_2P_1G_0 \\ P_{0\sim 3} &= P_3P_2P_1P_0 \end{align}\]

CLA: input \(G_0, P_0, G_1, P_1, G_2, P_2, G_3, P_3\), output \(G_{0\sim 3}, P_{0\sim 3}\)

第一层最右 CLA: input \(G_0, P_0, G_1, P_1, G_2, P_2, G_3, P_3\), output \(G_{0\sim 3}, P_{0\sim 3}\)

第二层 CLA: input \(C_0, G_{0\sim 3}, P_{0\sim 3}, G_{4\sim 7}, P_{4\sim 7}, G_{8\sim 11}, P_{8\sim 11}, G_{12\sim 15}, P_{12\sim 15}\), output \(C_4, C_8, C_{12}, C_{16}\)

Longest Delays:

\(A_0, B_0 \to CLA \to G_0, P_0 \to CLA \to C_{12} \to CLA \to C_{16}\)

Unsigned Subtraction


compute: \(N - M\)

  • \(N \geq M\): 无借位
  • \(N < M\): \(N - M = -(2^n - (M - N))\) 最高位借位


2's Complements:

  • Diminished Radix Complement (DRC) 反码 \(2^n - M - 1\)
  • Radix Complement (RC) 补码 \(2^n - M\)

\(M - N = M + (2^n - N)\) (n-bit)

  • \(M \geq N\): \(2^n\) 溢出,\(M - N\) 保留
  • \(M < N\): 结果为负数,求得补码。


Signed Integer

最高位是符号位,0 表示正数,1 表示负数。一般采用 2's Complements 即符号位+补码。


  • 加法:直接相加
  • 减法:将减数取反加一(变为减数取反之后的补码),再与被减数相加

Overflow Detection

通过符号位判断溢出,有 8 种情况:

  • 无溢出

  • 有溢出

(注:减负数相当于加正数,\(C_{n-1}\) 为 0;加负数相当于减正数,\(C_{n-1}\) 为 1)

得到溢出判断公式:\(V = C_{n-1} \oplus C_{n}\),这里 \(C_{n}\) 为结果的符号位。

Other Arithmetic Functions

  • Incrementer

    • Adding a fixed value to an arithmetic variable
    • fixec value = 1, called counting up
    • Functional block is called an incrementer
  • Decrementer

    • Subtracting a fixed value from an arithmetic variable
    • fixec value = 1, called counting down
    • Functional block is called a decrementer
  • Multiplier by a Constant: shift left

  • Divider by a Constant: shift right
  • Zero Fill and Extension

    • Zero fill: add 0s to the MSB or LSB
    • Extension: add 0s or 1s to the MSB to extend the length of the variable (usually copy the sign bit)

A + 1 Incrementer

Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)

Decompose the arithmetic circuit into:

  • An n-bit parallel adder
  • A block of logic that selects four choices for the B input of the adder