
Sequential Circuits

Storage Elements and Analysis

Introduction to Sequential Circuits

A Sequential circuit contains:

  • Storage elements: Latches or Flip-Flops
  • Combinational Logic:

    • Implements a multiple-output switching function
    • Inputs are signals from the outside.
    • Outputs are signals to the outside.
    • Other inputs, State or Present State, are signals from storage elements.
    • The remaining outputs, Next State are inputs to storage elements.

Combinatorial Logic:

  • Next state function 次态方程: Next State = f(Inputs, State)
  • Output function (Mealy 模型): Outputs = g(Inputs, State)
  • Output function (Moore 模型): Outputs = h(State)

Output function type depends on specification and affects the design significantly

Types of Sequential Circuits

  • Synchronous 同步

    • Behavior defined from knowledge of its signals at discrete instances of time
    • Storage elements observe inputs and can change state only in relation to a timing signal (clock pulses from a clock)


  • Asynchronous 异步

    • Behavior defined from knowledge of inputs an any instant of time and the order in continuous time in which inputs change
    • If clock just regarded as another input, all circuits are asynchronous. 如果时钟也被看做一个输入,那么所有电路都是 Asynchronous


Discrete Event Simulation 离散事件仿真

In order to understand the time behavior of a sequential circuit.

Gates modeled by an ideal (instantaneous) function and a fixed gate delay. 所有门的延迟都是固定的,抽象成理想电路门和固定延迟。


Basic (NAND) SR Latch

S=R=1 时,锁存器将保持原来的状态。

S=0,R=0 时,锁存器的状态未定义。

其余组合,有 Q=S¯

这种实现被称作 S¯R¯ latch。

Basic (NOR) SR Latch

和 NAND SR Latch 相反。

Clocked SR Latch

C=0 时,锁存器保持原来的状态,即后面的 S¯R¯ latch 处于锁定状态。

C=1 时,锁存器的状态由 SR latch 决定。

D Latch

消除了不确定状态,C 控制锁存,D 控制输出。C=1Q=D


在算门输入成本的时候,我们要分开算 G 和 GN. 因为锁存器同时为我们提供了 QQ¯,锁存器可以为后面的组合电路提供原变量和反变量。

The Latch Timing Problem

For a clocked D-latch, the output Q depends on the input D whenever the clock input C has value 1.




SR Master-Slave Flip-Flop

前面的锁存器称为 Master,后面的锁存器称为 Slave。

C=0 时,Master 锁存器不变。

C=1 时,Master 锁存器的状态由 SR latch 决定,Slave 锁存器被锁定。

C 从 1 变为 0 时,Master 锁存器的状态被锁定,Slave 锁存器的输入接收 Master 锁存器的输出,状态被改变。

1s catching 一次性采样问题

C=1 时,若 S,R 出现小扰动,但是在 C 变为 0 之前恢复,那么 Q 的状态将会被改变。

解决方法:Use edge-triggering instead of master-slave 使用边沿触发代替主从锁存器。

Edge-Triggered D Flip-Flop

The delay of the S-R master-slave flip-flop can be avoided since the 1s-catching behavior is not present with D replacing S and R inputs.

It is called a negative-edge triggered flip-flop, 负边沿触发器。


Actual Circuit of Edge-Triggered D Flip-Flop:

Standard Symbols for Storage Elements

Direct Inputs

Direct R and/or S inputs that control the state of the latches within the flip-flops are used for initialization. 直接输入的 R 和/或 S 用于初始化触发器状态,这一操作一般是异步的。

Sequential Circuit Analysis

General Model:

  • Current State at time (t) is stored in an array of flip-flops. 
  • Next State at time (t+1) is a Boolean function of State and Inputs.
  • Outputs at time (t) are a Boolean function of State (t) and (sometimes) Inputs (t).


  • Current State: A,B
  • Next State: A(t+1)=AX+BX,B(t+1)=A¯X
  • Output: Y=(A+B)X¯

State Table

A multiple variable table with the following four sections:

  • Present State: the values of the state variables for each allowed state.
  • Inputs: the input combinations allowed
  • Next state: the value of the state at time (t+1) based on the present state and the input.
  • Outputs: the value of the output as a function of the present state and (sometimes) the input.




State Diagrams

The sequential circuit function can be represented in graphical form as a state diagram.

Label form:

  • On circle with output included:
    • state/output
    • Moore type output depends only on state
  • On directed arc with the output included:
    • input/output
    • Mealy type output depends on state and input


Equivalent State Definitions

Two states are equivalent if their outputs produced for each input symbol is identical and their next states for each input symbol are the same or equivalent.



图中 S1、S2、S3 等价,可以写成一个状态:

Moore and Mealy Models

Sequential Circuits or Sequential Machines are also called Finite State Machines (FSMs). Two formal models exist:

  • Moore Model: the outputs depend only on the present state.

    State Diagram 中,输出写在状态节点上。

  • Mealy Model: the outputs depend on the present state and the inputs.

    State Diagram 中,输出写在状态转移边上。

Flip-Flop Timing Parameters

  • ts: setup time 准备时间,在状态进行更新之前需要准备好
  • th: hold time 一般为 0,保持时间,在状态更新之后需要保持一段时间
  • tw: clock pulse width, usually twH=twL
  • tpx: propagation delay
    • tPHL: High-to-Low
    • tPLH: Low-to-High
    • tpd: max(tPHL,tPLH)

Circuit and System Level Timing


If the clock period is too short, some data changes will not propagate through the circuit to flip-flop inputs before the setup time interval begins.

New timing components:

  • tp: clock period 时钟周期
  • tpd,COMB: total delay of combinational logic along the path from flip-flop output to flip-flop input
  • tslack: extra time in the clock period in addition to the sum of the delays and setup time on a path

降低延迟:主要考虑优化 tpd,COMB,减少组合逻辑的延迟。

Time equation


for all paths from flip-flop output to flip-flop input.


  • tpd,FF=1.0ns
  • ts=0.3ns for edge-triggered flip-flops
  • ts=twH=2.0ns for master-slave flip-flops
  • Clock frequency = 250 MHz



  • Edge-triggered: 4.01.0+tpd,COMB+0.3tpd,COMB2.7ns

    Approximately 9 gates allowed on a path

  • Master-slave: 4.01.0+tpd,COMB+2.0tpd,COMB1.0ns

    Approximately 3 gates allowed on a path

Sequential Circuit Design

The Design Procedure:

  • Specification
  • Formulation: Obtain a state diagram or state table
  • State Assignment: Assign binary codes to the states
  • Flip-Flop Input Equation Determination
  • Output Equation Determination
  • Optimization
  • Technology Mapping
  • Verification


Component Forms of Specification

  • State Diagram
  • State Equations
  • HDL codes
  • ...


A state is an abstraction of the history of the past applied inputs to the circuit.

触发器数量选择:n=log2mm 为状态数。

Sequence Recognizer Procedure 序列识别器


Example: Recognize the sequence 1101.

  • 识别 1101:

  • 考虑所有可能的输入序列:

  • 得到状态表

上述过程是 Mealy Model,如果是 Moore Model,则还需要增加一个状态:

Simplification of State Diagrams






  • 次态相同
  • 次态交错
  • 次态循环


  • 次态相同

  • 次态相同或交错

  • 次态相同或等效(Sk,Sl 等效)

  • 次态交错或相同或循环


  1. 观察法化简


  2. 隐含表法化简

    状态 S1,,Sn,作 (n1)×(n1) 的梯形图,列分布代表 S1,,Sn1,行分别代表 S2,,Sn, 每个格子代表 Si,Sj 的次态是否相同,若无法确定,则写上依赖的状态对。可以容易地看出依赖关系,从而进行化简。





    • ABCFequivalent
    • AEBECFequivalentABEequivalent


    • 四个等效对 (A,B),(A,E),(B,E),(C,F)
    • 最大等效类 (A,B,E)
    • 四个状态 (A,B,E),(C,F),(D),(G)

    令以上四个状态依次为 a,b,c,d,画出最小化状态表:

State Assignment

If the number of states is m, then n=log2m bits are required to represent the states.

There are (2n)!/m! assignments of codes with a minimum number of bits.

Find Flip-Flop Input and Output Equations

Use K-maps to compute the equations of Di,Xoutput with respect to Xinput,Qi.



  • 在相同输入条件下具有相同次态的现态,应尽可能分配相邻的二进制代码
  • 在相邻输入条件,同一现态的次态应尽可能分配相邻的二进制代码
  • 输出 完全相同 的现态应尽可能分配相邻的二进制代码
  • 最小化状态表中出现次数最多的状态或初始状态应分配逻辑 0




  • 在相同输入条件下具有相同次态的现态,应尽可能分配相邻的二进制代码:A 和 B,A 和 C 应相邻
  • 在相邻输入条件,同一现态的次态应尽可能分配相邻的二进制代码:C 和 D,C 和 A,B 和 D,A 和 B 应相邻
  • 输出完全相同的现态应尽可能分配相邻的二进制代码: A,B,C 三者应相邻,即 A 和 B,A 和 C,B 和 C应相邻
  • 最小化状态表中出现次数最多的状态或初始状态应分配逻辑 0:A 分配为逻辑 0


Sequential Design Example

Design a sequential modulo 3 accumulator for 2-bit operands.

  • Modulo n adder: an adder that gives the result of the addition as the remainder of the sum divided by n.
  • Accumulator: a circuit that "accumulates" the sum of its input operands over time - it adds each input operand to the stored sum, which is initially 0.

Stored sum: (Y1,Y0). Input: (X1,X0). Output: (Z1,Z0)

State diagram:

State table:

State assignment Flip-flop input equations.

Other Flip-Flop Types

J-K Flip-flop

Similar to SR flip-flop, but without the invalid state.

J=K=1 时,状态求反。

主从触发器实现,有 1s catching 问题。

用 D 触发器实现,避免 1s catching 问题:


T Flip-flop

  • For T=0, no change in state
  • For T=1, changes to opposite state

Same as a J-K flip-flop with J=K=T


用 D 触发器实现:

Basic Flip-Flop Descriptors

Used in analysis:

  • characteristic table 特征表: defines the next state of the flip-flop in terms of flip-flop inputs and current state
  • characteristic equation 特征方程: defines the next state of the flip-flop as a Boolean function of flip-flop inputs and current state

Used in design:

  • excitation table 激励表: defines the flip-flop input variable values as function of the current state and next state

D Flip-Flop Descriptors

Characteristic table:

Characteristic equation:


Excitation table:

S-R Flip-Flop Descriptors

Characteristic table:

Characteristic equation:


Excitation table: