
Digital Hardware Implementation

Programmable Implementation Technologies

Programmable Technologies

  • Control connections 连接控制

    • Mask programming: 生产时进行连接。不可再编程。
    • Fuse: 保险丝,加大电流烧断保险丝,断开连接。不可再编程。
    • Antifuse: 电流烧断保险丝,短接连接。不可再编程。
    • Single-bit storage element: 存储某个位是否连接。可再编程。
  • Build lookup tables: 多路选择器。可再编程。

  • Control transistor switching 选择控制

    • Stored charge on a floating transistor gate: 电荷存储在浮动晶体管栅极上。可再编程。

      1. EPROM: 电子可擦除可编程只读存储器。用紫外线擦除。
      2. EEPROM: 电子可擦除可编程只读存储器。用电擦除。
      3. Flash memory: 闪存。用电擦除。可再编程。


  1. Permanent:

    • Mask programming
    • Fuse
    • Antifuse
  2. Reprogrammable:

    • Volatile: 电源断电后数据丢失

      • Single-bit storage element
    • Nonvolatile: 电源断电后数据不丢失

      • EPROM
      • EEPROM
      • Flash memory

Programmable Configurations

  • Read Only Memory (ROM): a fixed array of AND gates and a programmable array of OR gates
  • Programmable Array Logic (PAL): a programmable array of AND gates feeding a fixed array of OR gates.
  • Programmable Logic Array (PLA): a programmable array of AND gates feeding a programmable array of OR gates.
  • Complex Programmable Logic Device (CPLD) / Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA): complex enough to be called "architectures", use lookup tables.

Read Only Memory

  • N input lines,
  • M output lines,
  • 2N decoded minterms.

交叉点画 X,表示该交叉点连接。可编程。


实现输入 \(x\),输出 \(x^2\)

由于 \(B_0 = A_0, B_1 = 0\),故只需要 \(8\times 4\) ROM。

根据真值表编程 ROM:

Programmable Array Logic

Having a programmable set of ANDs combined with fixed ORs.

(F1 返回到输入:缓解了输入的限制)

Programmable Logic Array

Having a programmable set of ANDs combined with a programmable set of ORs.



(求整体取反之后的化简结果:将 k-map 反转)