
Relational Model

A relational database is a collection of one or more relations, which are based on the relational model.


Structure of Relational Databases

Basic Structure

设集合 \( D_1, D_2, \ldots, D_n \),关系 \(r\) 是笛卡尔积 \(D_1 \times D_2 \times \ldots \times D_n\) 的一个子集。

Attribute Types

设关系 \(r\) 为元组 \( (a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_n) \),其中 \(a_i\) 是属性,\(D_i\) 是属性的域。每个属性都有名称。


Attribute values are (normally) required to be atomic. 属性值是原子的,即无法分割。例如复合属性或者多值属性都不能成为关系的属性。

\( \mathsf{null} \) 属于每个域。

Concepts about Relation

A relation is concerned with two concepts: relation schema and relation instance. 关系包含两个概念:关系模式和关系实例。

  • Relation Schema: describes the structure of the relation.


    Student_schema = (sid: string, name: string, sex: string, age: int, dept: string)


    Student_schema = (sid, name, sex, age, dept)
  • Relation Instance: corresponds to the snapshot of the data in the relation at a given instant in time.

The Properties of Relation

  • The order of tuples is irrelevant. 无序
  • No duplicated tuples in a relation. 无重复
  • Attribute values are atomic. 属性是原子的


A database consists of a collection of relations.


\(K \subseteq R\)

  • Superkey: \(K\) is a superkey of \(R\) if the values of \(K\) are sufficient to identify a unique tuple in \(R\). \(K\)\(R\) 的超键,如果 \(K\) 的值足以唯一标识 \(R\) 中的一个元组。
  • Candidate Key: \(K\) is a candidate key of \(R\) if \(K\) is a minimal superkey of \(R\). \(K\)\(R\) 的候选键,如果 \(K\)\(R\) 的最小超键。
  • Primary Key: A candidate key defined by the database designer. 主键是数据库设计者定义的候选键,通常用下划线标识。

Foreign Key

Assume relations \(r\) and \(s\): \(r(\underline{A}, B, C)\), \(s(\underline{B}, D)\). \(B\) in relation \(r\) is a foreign key referencing \(s\), and \(r\) is a referencing relation, and \(s\) is a referenced relation.

参照关系中外码的值必须在被参照关系中实际存在, 或为 \( \mathsf{null} \)

Query Language

Pure languages:

  • Relational Algebra: a procedural query language. 过程式查询语言,SQL 的基础。
  • Tuple Relational Calculus: 元组关系演算
  • Domain Relational Calculus: 域关系演算

Fundamental Relational-Algebra Operations

Six basic operators:

  • Selection: \( \sigma \) 选择
  • Projection: \( \Pi \) 投影
  • Union: \( \cup \)
  • Set Difference: \( - \)
  • Cartesian product: \( \times \) 笛卡尔积
  • Rename: \( \rho \) 重命名


\( \sigma_{p} (r) = \{ t \mid t \in r \land p(t) \} \)

  • \( r \) is a relation
  • \( p \) is a predicate in the form of <attribute> op <attribute> or <constant>, where op is a comparison operator.



\( \Pi_{A_1, A_2, \ldots, A_k} (r) \)

  • \( r \) is a relation
  • \( A_i \) is an attribute of \( r \)

The result is defined as the relation of \(k\) columns obtained by erasing the columns that are not listed. 结果是通过删除未列出的列而获得的 \(k\) 列关系。并且进行 去重



\( r \cup s = \{ t \mid t \in r \lor t \in s \} \)

  • \( r \) and \( s \) are relations
  • \( r \) and \( s \) must have the same number of attributes. \( r \)\( s \) 必须有相同数量的属性。
  • The attribute domains must be compatible. 属性域必须兼容。


Set Difference

\( r - s = \{ t \mid t \in r \land t \notin s \} \)

  • \( r \) and \( s \) are relations
  • Similar to Union, \( r \) and \( s \) must have the same number of attributes and the attribute domains must be compatible.


Cartesian Product

\( r \times s = \{ (t_1, t_2) \mid t_1 \in r \land t_2 \in s \} \)

  • \( r \) and \( s \) are relations
  • If \( r \) and \( s \) are not disjoint, then rename will be used to avoid ambiguity between the attributes with the same name. 如果 \( r \)\( s \) 有相同名称的属性,则将使用 重命名 来避免具有相同名称的属性之间的歧义。


\( r \)\( s \) 不相交:

\( r \)\( s \) 相交:


  • \( \rho_X (E) \): rename the expression \(E\) as \(X\).
  • \( \rho_{X(A_1, A_2, \ldots, A_n)} (E) \): rename the expression \(E\) as \(X\) and the attributes as \(A_1, A_2, \ldots, A_n\).

\( \rho \) returns a relation that is identical to \(E\) except that the relation is renamed as \(X\). \( \rho \) 返回一个与 \(E\) 相同的关系,只是关系被重命名为 \(X\)

Additional Relational-Algebra Operations

Four additional operators:

  • Set Intersection: \( \cap \)
  • Natural Join: \( \bowtie \) 自然连接
  • Division: \( \div \)
  • Assignment: \( \leftarrow \) 赋值

Set Intersection

\( r \cap s = \{ t \mid t \in r \land t \in s \} = r - (r - s) \)

  • \( r \) and \( s \) are relations
  • \( r \) and \( s \) must have the same number of attributes and the attribute domains must be compatible.


Natural Join

\( r \bowtie s \)

  • \( r \) and \( s \) are relations
  • Consider each pair of tuples \( t_1 \in r \) and \( t_2 \in s \), if \( t_1 \) and \( t_2 \) have the same value on each attribute in \( R \cap S \), then add a tuple to the result relation with the remaining attributes from \( t_1 \) and \( t_2 \). 如果 \( t_1 \)\( t_2 \)\( R \cap S \) 上的每个属性上具有相同的值,则将一个元组添加到结果关系中,该元组具有来自 \( t_1 \)\( t_2 \) 的剩余属性。


Theta Join Operation

\( r \bowtie_{\theta} s = \sigma_{\theta} (r \times s) \)


\( r \div s = \{ t \mid t \in \Pi_{R - S} (r) \land \forall u \in s, t \times u \in r \} \)

  • \( r \) and \( s \) are relations on schema \( R and S \)



\( X \leftarrow E \)

Assignment is always made to a temporary relation.


Write \( r \div s \) as:

\[ \begin{align*} temp1 &\leftarrow \Pi_{R - S} (r) \\ temp2 &\leftarrow \Pi_{R - S} (temp1 \times s - \Pi_{R - S, S} (r)) \\ result &\leftarrow temp1 - temp2 \end{align*} \]

Extended Relational-Algebra Operations

  • Generalized Projection: \( \Pi_{A_1, A_2, \ldots, A_n} (r) \) where \( A_i \) is an expression. 广义投影
  • Aggregation Functions: 聚合函数

Generalized Projection

\( \Pi_{A_1, A_2, \ldots, A_n} (r) \) where \( A_i \) is an expression.


Given a relation \( \text{credit_info}(\text{customer_name}, \text{limit}, \text{current_balance}) \), we can use the following expression to calculate the available credit for each customer:

\[ \Pi_{\text{customer_name}, \text{limit} - \text{current_balance}} (\text{credit_info}) \]

Aggregation Functions

\( _{G_1, G_2, \ldots, G_n}g_{F_1(A_1), F_2(A_2), \ldots, F_n(A_n)} (r) \)

  • \( r \) is a relation
  • \( A_i \) is an attribute of \( r \)
  • \( F_i \) is an aggregation function, such as
    • avg: average value
    • sum: sum of values
    • count: number of tuples
    • max: maximum value
    • min: minimum value
  • \( G_i \) is a grouping attribute(can be empty)



Result of aggregation does not have a name. 聚合的结果没有名称,需要重命名或者在聚合操作中指定名称。


\[ _\text{branch-name} g_{\text{sum}(\text{balance}) \ as \ \text{sum-balance}} (\text{account}) \]

Modification of the Database

  • Deletion
  • Insertion
  • Updating


\( r \leftarrow r - E \)

  • \( r \) is a relation
  • \( E \) is a relational-algebra expression


\( r \leftarrow r \cup E \)


\( r \leftarrow \Pi_{F_1, F_2, \ldots, F_n} (r) \)

  • \( r \) is a relation
  • \( F_i \) is an attribute of \( r \) or an expression which gives the new value of the attribute