
Union and Find

The Disjoint Set ADT

Relation \(\sim\) is an equivalence relation iff its symmetric(对称), reflexive(自反) and transitive(传递).

Two members \(x, y\) are said to be in the same equivalence class iff \(x \sim y\).


  • Union: combine two equivalence classes into one
  • Find: determine which equivalence class a given element belongs to


S[u] 代表节点 u 的父节点。

Implementation 1


Implementation 2

S[root] = 0,集合编号为根节点编号。

Smart Union Algorithms

Union by Size

Let S[root] = -sizesize 为集合大小。

每次 Union 时,将小集合的根节点指向大集合的根节点。

时间复杂度:\(n\) 次 Union 操作,\(m\) 次 Find 操作,复杂度 \(O(n + m \log n)\)

Union by Height

每次 Union 时,将高度小的根节点指向高度大的根节点。

Path Compression


int find(int x) {
    if (isroot(x)) return x;
    else return S[x] = find(S[x]);

Time Complexity

\(O(\alpha(n))\),其中 \(\alpha(n)\) 为 Ackermann 函数的反函数。