
Sprites and Randomness

Fonts and Text Renders

Font Module

Pygame renders text to a surface with the Font module.

Font module has methods to locate and load a font as a Font object.

  • pygame.font.get_fonts: get a list of available fonts

  • pygame.font.SysFont: get a Font object from the system fonts

    font = pygame.font.SysFont(name, size, bold=False, italic=False)
    • name: the name of the font. None for the default font.
    • size: the size of the font
    • bold: True if the font should be bold
    • italic: True if the font should be italic
  • pygame.font.Font: get a Font object from a file

    font = pygame.font.Font(filename, size)
    • filename: the path to the font file
    • size: the size of the font

Text Rendering

  • Font.render: render text to a surface

    surface = font.render(text, antialias, color, background=None)
    • text: the text to render
    • antialias: True for antialiased text. 边缘平滑
    • color: the color of the text
    • background: the color of the background
  • Font.size: get the size of the text

    width, height = font.size(text)
  • Font.get_height: get the height of the font. 字体高度

    height = font.get_height()
  • Font.get_linesize: get the height of a line of text. 行间距

    linesize = font.get_linesize()
  • Font.metrics: get the metrics of the font. 字体度量

    metrics = font.metrics(text)

    Returns a list with one tuple per character in the text string.

    Each tuple has information on exact sizes and placement of that character.


Pygame's Sprite class is intended to assist to make objects of the on-screen elements.

Group classes (there are several) are useful to manage sprites.

Need to subclass Sprite to create a sprite.

class Mario(pygame.sprite.Sprite):

    def __init__(self, pos, sprites_image):

        self.image = pygame.Surface((29,47))        
        image_surf = pygame.image.load(sprites_image).convert()
        self.image.blit(image_surf, (0,0), (4, 13, 29, 47))
        self.rect = self.image.get_rect(topleft=pos)     

    def update(self, click):
        if click:
            self.rect.center = click

    def draw(self, surface):
        surface.blit(self.image, self.rect)

Sprite Groups

Group classes are used to manage sprites.

  • pygame.sprite.Group: a simple group

    group = pygame.sprite.Group()
  • Group.add: add a sprite to the group

  • Group.remove: remove a sprite from the group

  • Group.draw: draw all sprites in the group

  • Group.update: update all sprites in the group

  • Sprite.kill: remove the sprite from all groups

  • Group.clear: draw from the background into the destination at every place a sprite was last drawn

    group.clear(surface, background)

    just erase where the sprites were, then update them, then redraw them.

    不用每次循环都设置 background,只需在游戏开始时设置一次即可。

Other Classes

  • RenderUpdates: a group that keeps track of the dirty rectangles

    group = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates()
  • OrderedUpdates: a group that keeps track of the order of the sprites as they are added

    group = pygame.sprite.OrderedUpdates()
  • LayeredUpdates: a Group that has layers, sort of a group within the Group

    group = pygame.sprite.LayeredUpdates()
  • GroupSingle: a group that only holds one sprite

    group = pygame.sprite.GroupSingle()

    If a new sprite is added, the old one is ejected.


A collision occurs when two sprites occupy the same space.

  • pygame.sprite.collide_rect: check if the rects of two sprites overlap, return a boolean

    collide = pygame.sprite.collide_rect(sprite1, sprite2)

    sprite1 and sprite2 must have a rect attribute.

  • pygame.sprite.collide_rect_ratio: multiplies the size of the rects by a floating point value before looking for overlap

    collide = pygame.sprite.collide_rect_ratio(ratio)(sprite1, sprite2)
  • pygame.sprite.collide_circle: check if the circles of two sprites overlap, return a boolean

    collide = pygame.sprite.collide_circle(sprite1, sprite2)

    sprite1 and sprite2 must have a rect attribute and an optional radius attribute.

  • pygame.sprite.collide_circle_ratio: as collide_rect_ratio, but for circles

  • pygame.sprite.collide_mask: check if the masks of two sprites overlap, return a boolean

    collide = pygame.sprite.collide_mask(sprite1, sprite2)

    sprite1 and sprite2 must have a rect attribute and an optional mask attribute.

  • pygame.sprite.spritecollide: returns a list of sprites in the group that collide

    collide = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(sprite, group, dokill, collided=None)
    • dokill: if True, the sprites that collide will be removed from the group
    • collided: a callback function to check for collisions
  • pygame.sprite.groupcollide: tests for collisions between two groups

    collide = pygame.sprite.groupcollide(group1, group2, dokill1, dokill2, collided=None)

    Returns a dictionary with every sprite in group1 as a key and a list of every sprite in group2 that collides with it as the value.

    • dokill1: if True, the sprites that collide in group1 will be removed
    • dokill2: if True, the sprites that collide in group2 will be removed
    • collided: a callback function to check for collisions


Show a quick sequence of images to the user, 30-72 frames per second or so.

  • Slower loop: use pygame.time.Clock to control the frame rate

    clock = pygame.time.Clock()
    while running:
        clock.tick(30) # 30 frames per second
  • Measure: The Clock object can also be used to measure the time since the last call

    time_passed = clock.tick() # milliseconds since the last call



  • Linear Congruential Generator (LCG)

    \[ X_{n+1} = (aX_n + c) \mod m \]

    used in Pseudo-Random Number Generator (PRNG).

    LCG Cycles: the number of times you can call the LCG before it repeats

  • PRNG: A good PRNG will have carefully chosen constants to ensure the longest possible cycle.

    other sources of "randomness" are usually sampled and mixed in: mouse movements, keyboard presses, etc.

Random Distributions

The distribution of a PRNG or code using a PRNG refers to the chance of attaining each value

Asymmetric Distributions

How can I get a higher chance of values at the upper ranges?

  • Dropping the lowest roll: Roll twice (or more), pick the higher roll

    def drop_lowest_roll(number, sides):
        roll1 = roll_dice(number, sides)
        roll2 = roll_dice(number, sides)
        return max(roll1, roll2)
  • Drop the lowest dice: roll an extra die and drop the lowest value

    def drop_lowest_die(number, sides):
        rolls = []
        for i in range(number + 1):
            rolls.append(roll_dice(1, sides))
        return sum(rolls[1:])
  • Reroll the lowest: roll two dice and then reroll whichever is lowest

    def reroll_lowest_die(number, sides):
        rolls = []
        for i in range(number):
            rolls.append(roll_dice(1, sides))
        rolls[0] = roll_dice(1, sides)
        return sum(rolls)
  • Critical Hits: In a small percentage (5%?) of cases, extra value is added (perhaps by another die roll)

    def roll_with_critical(number, sides, crit):
        roll = roll_dice(number, sides)
        if random.random() < crit:
            roll += roll_dice(1, sides)
        return roll
  • Arbitrary Distributions: